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                                                       TIBETAN USUI REIKI
2 Day Intensive Central Coast
Traditional Usui Reiki history
8 Tibetan and Universal Reiki Symbols
Sacred Space clearing
Energy Center (Chakra) balance for client
Self Chakra cleansing
Chakra Reading - Spirit guide communication
Energy field ( Aura) Alignment
Full body hands on healing training and sessions
Philosophy of evolutionary healing
Enlightenment Transmission Meditations
AND - Fun!​​

The TIBETAN Lineage:
American Tibetan Buddhist Nun, Denise Da Tanya worked with the Dalai Lama while travelling in Tibet and was initiated with symbols by Su Leoung ( Buddhist monk) who was know as "The Keeper of the Seals". In 1965 she was attuned to Usui Reiki by Hawayo Takata but since she did not follow Takata's rule of charging $10,000 for Mastership, her name does not appear in Takata's list of Reiki masters. In 1984 Denise attuned Buddhist Sanyasin Russell Carlon also a follower of Tibetan Buddhism & the Dalai Lama.

In 1994 - 95 Robyn Collins received level One and Two Reiki training with Russell. She continued on with her Grand Masters Degree training and final initiation in 1998. Russell passed away shortly after attuning Robyn in 1999. Robyn has 24 years experience as a Tibetan Usui Reiki Grand Master with up to 3550 initiates from 1998-2023



Returning by popular demand!
28 years experience.

APRIL 26th & 27th  2025
2 Day Intensive Lake Macquarie - Central Coast - Cooranbong

Booking link



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                                                                                                               TIBETAN GRAND MASTERS



Robyn Collins - Tibetan Reiki GRAND Master/Teacher ( 25 years ), Japanese Usui Master, Seichem Master. Counselling Psychology, BMSc. Ministry. Author.


In 2012, Robyn experienced a profound spiritual encounter with the spirit of her Tibetan Grand Master. During this visitation, she was entrusted with the mission to impart the Grand Master's Power Symbols to all Reiki initiates, regardless of their lineage, to align with the modern age of spiritual consciousness. The Grand Master conveyed that the traditional methods of receiving Reiki Mastership have evolved due to advancements in technology, media, and the internet. Consequently, humanity is at risk of losing the wisdom of these ancient sacred geometric symbols and their potent healing transmissions


In our lives, every activity, event, birth, life, and death that occurs in a particular place leaves behind a vibrational residue that becomes imprinted into the subconscious and cellular memory of every individual. This imprinted memory influences how we perceive and interpret our life experiences in the natural world. These imprints are stored within the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. Reiki healing works by merging with pure consciousness, connecting with participants' energy fields, and energetically directing all energetic and Soul imprints into the field of eternal love, freedom, and our True Nature of Being.


Reiki healing works by merging with pure consciousness, connecting with participants' energy fields, and energetically directing all energetic and Soul imprints into the field of eternal love, freedom, and our True Nature of Being. In this one-day seminar, you will be directly and deeply immersed in the healing energy of 21 Reiki Symbols from the traditional Usui Masters' teachings and from sacred texts discovered by a Tibetan nun in remote monasteries in Tibet. The additional symbols provided in this lineage are used to enhance the energy transfer from the Master to the student, and subsequently from all new students to the community.


Level One , Preferably Level 2 OR Masters - any Reiki lineage


The TIBETAN Lineage History:

American Tiibetan Buddhist Nun, Denise Da Tanya worked with the Dalai Lama while travelling in Tibet and was initiated with symbols by Su Leoung ( Buddhist monk) who was know as "The Keeper of the Seals". In 1965 she was attuned to Usui Reiki by Hawayo Takata but since she did not follow Takata's rule of charging $10,00 for Mastership, her name does not appear in Takata's list of Reiki masters. In 1984 Denise attuned Buddhist Sanyasin Russell Carlon also a follower of Tibetan Buddhism & the Dalai Lama.

In 1994 - 95 Robyn Collins received level One and Two Reiki training with Russel. She continued on with her Grand Masters Degree training and final initiation in 1998. Russel passed away shortly after attuning Robyn in 1999. Robyn has 18 years experience as a Tibetan Usui Reiki Grand Master with up to 3500 initiates from 1998-2024 



MAY 12th 2025

Includes Morning Tea, Lunch, Manual and Masters Attunement
(NOT MASTERS Certification)

Plus Training in :
Sacred space clearing and....
                                                                                       The Heart Activation Transmission













About your host:
Robyn Collins BASSc. Counselling Psychology, BMSc. Ministry. Author. Robyn's unique approach to workshop training, coaching and counseling individuals, couples and families is built on a broad foundation of training from traditional approaches of Western Developmental Psychology & Eastern philosophies. Her use of contemporary therapies such as Mindfulness, Existential Psychotherapy , Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Self Actualisation and Transpersonal approaches of Spiritual Psychology and Energy Medicine (Reiki) allows for deep and rapid transformation restoring health , wellness and self empowerment





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